Technically you CANNOT install RDP on windows 7 Home Premium, rdp is not in the license agreament for that version of windows 7.

This doesnt mean that you cant install rdp on windows 7 home premium. Following is instructions on how to do this, but it is for informational porposes only and should not be done in a production environement.

Please create a system restore point before using this trick to be on the safer side.

1) Download and extract the ZIP file to obtain all the necessary files required to enable & use the feature.

2) Right click on the install (or install.cmd) file and select Run as administrator. Click “Yes” for the UAC prompt.

3) The script will start in a a command window. Press any key to continue.
Note: If the screen is red you probably did not launch it as ADMINISTRATOR

4) Answer “Y” to “Do you wish to enable multiple sessions per user” question

5) Answer “N” for “Do you wish to enable blank password logon?” question. (although you can answer yes.. but then you allow anyone without a password ot logon to your computer… set a password its safer)

6) After a min or two the script will complete and you will be able to connecto to RDP .

Thanks to untermensch for creating this script.

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